Documentation overview

Updated on

Thank you for choosing Shipixen for your website and blog. This guide will help you get started with the basics of Shipixen and how to generate a website and blog.
If you're new to Shipixen, we recommend starting with one of the guides below.

Generating your first boilerplate

To generate your first boilerplate, you need to get the Shipixen app and have a valid license. If you don't have a license, you can get one here.

Already have that?
Check out the guide to generating your first boilerplate.

Page UI Landing page components LogoPage UI
Build a beautiful landing page from examples
Landing page UI components for React & Next.js,
built on top of TailwindCSS. Free and open-source.


Within the Shipixen app, you'll be able to deploy your generated boilerplate with 1 click after you've configured it.
We currently only support deploying to Vercel, but we're working on adding more platforms.

Any other changes after the initial deployment will be automatically deployed.

To read more about deploying, check out the deployment guide.

Running locally

After you've deployed the boilerplate, it's possible to clone the newly-created repository and run it locally.

Read more about running the boilerplate locally here.

Customizing the landing page

Customizing the landing page is easy with Shipixen. You can explore one of our many templates and copy + paste the code into your app.
Make sure to also checkout out component examples and landing page component documentation.

Adding blog posts

To add blog posts, you will need to add a new markdown file to the data directory.
The file name will be used as the slug for the blog post.

See more about adding blog posts here.


The Shipixen website and this documentation section are built on top of a Shipixen-generated boilerplate.

If you're looking for a demo, feel free to navigate around the website and documentation.