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Landing Page Sale CTA Component

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Use this to prompt users to take action, such as signing up for a trial or buying a product.

This can be used to break up longer pages and increase conversion as users scroll down and get past your primary CTA.

Ready to get started?

Pre-order today and get a 50% discount on the final price for the first 3 months. No credit card required.


import { LandingSaleCtaSection } from '@/components/landing/cta/LandingSaleCta';
  title="Ready to get started?"
    'Pre-order today and get a 50% discount on the final price for the first 3 months. No credit card required.'
  ctaLabel="Pre-order for $49"


Background Customization/Variant

Ready to get started?

Pre-order today and get a 50% discount on the final price for the first 3 months. No credit card required.

Secondary Call to Action

Ready to get started?

Pre-order today and get a 50% discount on the final price for the first 3 months. No credit card required.

Custom CTAs

Ready to get started?

Pre-order today and get a 50% discount on the final price for the first 3 months. No credit card required.

Buy Now

$350 off for the first 10 customers (2 left)

Background Glow

Ready to get started?

Pre-order today and get a 50% discount on the final price for the first 3 months. No credit card required.

API Reference

Prop NameProp TypeRequiredDefault
children React.ReactNodeNo-
title string ǀ React.ReactNodeNo-
titleComponent React.ReactNodeNo-
description string ǀ React.ReactNodeNo-
descriptionComponent React.ReactNodeNo-
footerComponent React.ReactNodeNo-
withBackground booleanNofalse
withBackgroundGlow booleanNofalse
variant 'primary' ǀ 'secondary'No'primary'
backgroundGlowVariant 'primary' ǀ 'secondary'No'primary'

More Examples

For more even more examples, see our Landing Page Component Examples page or see complete landing page examples by Exploring Our Landing Page Templates.