Landing Page Components
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Landing page components are presentational components that you can use to build your own landing page. They are located in the components/landing
Shipixen landing page components are made so they work well together and can be easily customized to fit your brand.
You can combine them to create new sections, or use them individually to add specific elements to your landing page.
See the overview below and open any of the components to see the code and usage examples.
All landing page components in the library
Display a band with a background color, large text and icons.
DiscountDisplay a discount (or sale) next to a button or CTA.
FAQDisplay a list of frequently asked questions.
FAQ CollapsibleDisplay a list of frequently asked questions that can be collapsed.
Feature ListDisplay a list of features with icons.
FeatureDisplay a feature with an icon and text. To be used with a Feature List.
Feature Key PointsDisplay a bullet point to highlight key features.
FooterDisplay a footer with columns of links.
MarqueeDisplay a marquee that loops through a list of items.
Navigation / HeaderDisplay a top navigation bar with a main menu and a logo. On smaller screens, the main menu becomes a sheet.
NewsletterDisplay a newsletter subscription section.
PricingDisplay a pricing section with pricing plans.
Pricing PlanDisplay a pricing plan with features and a call-to-action button.
Primary Image CTADisplay a large image with a call to action.
Primary Text CTADisplay a large text with a call to action.
Product FeatureIt displays a title, description and optionally, an image of a product's feature
Product Video FeatureLike a Product Feature, but with a video instead of an image.
Product Features GridDisplay a grid of Product Features/Product Video features (in any combination).
Product TourDisplay a product tour with steps and content.
Product Hunt AwardDisplay a Product Hunt award or badge.
RatingDisplay a rating with stars.
Sale CTADisplay a call to action for a sale.
ShowcaseDisplay a showcase of logos/images etc.
Social ProofShows social proof with avatars, number of users and an optional rating.
Social Proof BandDisplay a band with social proof items.
Social Proof Band ItemDisplay a single social proof item, to be used with the Social Proof Band.
Testimonial GridDisplay a grid of testimonials.
Testimonial InlineDisplay a list of testimonials inline.
Testimonial Inline ItemDisplay a single testimonial inline.
Testimonial ListDisplay a list of testimonials.
TestimonialA single testimonial.
Build a beautiful landing page from examples
Landing page UI components for React & Next.js,
built on top of TailwindCSS. Free and open-source.