Build your landing page, blog or app with Shipixen.
Completely free for open source projects.
The fastest way to get a beautiful Next.js website up, complete with your own branding, theme, and selected pages.
It really takes just a few minutes.

So, what's the catch?
None. Shipixen is built on top of many open source projects, and we're giving back 💜
If you'd like, we'd appreciate a link in your footer. Otherwise we're happy to help out!

Give your project the home it deserves.
Your users will love your for it.
Plus, they'll be able to contribute to the project website, too.

Get a powerful blog that's cheap to run
Shipixen comes with a fully featured MDX blog.
It is easy to customize and extend and does not require a server. It's blazing fast and cheap to run.
SEO optimized
Skip days of configuring metadata, sitemaps, meta or open graph tags. Shipixen is search engine optimized & it comes with everything you need to get started.
Blazing fast
Everything is server side rendered and using the latest Next.js features: from landing page to code blocks in blog posts. It's fast and it's beautiful.
Start simple.
Expand any time.
Shipixen is powerful, flexible and extensively documented.
For example, here's how to add a docs hub / knowledge base to your website.

More things to love.
Automatic Favicon
We generate the favicon for you automatically from your logo. Or upload a different image - we'll make that happen too!
Automatic, Dynamic Social Image
We generate an open graph image so when you share your website on social media you get your logo, brand, description & theme.
Easy social links
Add social links for 𝕏/Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Github, Linkedin, Youtube, Facebook, Threads, Mastodon etc. or Email.
Smart support button
Add a smart support button that sends you an email with the message and basic system information.
RSS feed
Shipixen creates an RSS feed for your blog, making it simple for readers to subscribe and stay updated.
Next.js 15
Built with the latest Next.js version, so you can take advantage of all the new features.
Using strict TypeScript, so you can be more confident in the code you write.
Themed Tailwind CSS
Flexible and easy to customize with Tailwind CSS, so you can make it your own.
App router
Using Next.js' App router, so you can easily add new pages and API routes.
Custom common pages
Includes common pages like 404 and allows easily customization through code.
Custom blog layouts
Create custom blog layouts to turn your blog into a docs hub, a podcast, newsletter or anything in between.
Custom blog components
Create custom blog components to unleash the full power of MDX. Add a form inline, video or embed social media posts.
Add blog articles to landing page
With the press of a toggle, get a list of the most recent blog articles on the homepage.
...and that's not all!
Shipixen includes everything you spend time building. From linting to commit checks to prettyfying code ― it's all there and ready to go. You've just saved yourself weeks of boring work that doesn't add value to your product. Now you can focus on what matters.
Sounds Good?
Get it free for your open source project.
Looking for a demo? See a generated website in action 🚀