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Updating the domain

Updated on

The domain of your Shipixen site can be changed at any time.
It is important to always keep it up to date to not affect your SEO, metadata and other important aspects of your site.

For example, your Open Graph images (og:image) requires an absolute URL. If you don't keep your domain up to date, your images will not be displayed correctly when sharing your site on social media.

Updating the domain

The domain configuration is held in the data/config/metadata.ts file located in the data/config directory.

├── data
│   ├── authors
│   ├── config # Site & theme configuration
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── metadata.js # <--- This file
│   │   ├── ...

Open the metadata.js file and update the domain field with your new domain.

/** @typedef {import("siteConfigInterface.ts").SiteMetadata } */
const metadata = {
  title: '...',
  description: '...',
- domain: '',
+ domain: '',
  // ...

module.exports = { metadata };